

Silicon Regatta tops the £1 million.

  • September 30, 2019
  • Owen Hughes

Last week we were lucky to be involved in the Silicon Cup Regatta, where, together with Salesforce, we sponsored a boat and took some of our contacts to crew the yacht through the Regatta.

With the weather doing its normal thing and being as unpredictable as ever, one of the races was cancelled, but we were blessed with some good winds, making it a fun and exhilarating experience.

The aim of the Regatta is not just to have fun and bring businesses together, but most importantly it is an opportunity to support a number of charities who aim is to help young people, who might not otherwise get the opportunity, to experience sailing. The charities work with different groups but between them give many people opportunities they would not otherwise get.

The charities that are supported are UK based and have very different remits:

In the past 18 years, the Regatta has raised over £900,000 in total to share between the charities and this year they achieved their goal of topping the £1m raised. What an amazing achievement and to be part of this in a small way was fantastic.

As a company, Metacube are focused on working with the community and giving back our expertise and knowledge to those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to work with us and wherever there is an excuse for us to help out, in whatever way, we will jump at it.

To find out more about our work in the community or about how we got on at the Regatta contact us.