

Blackpurl develop dealer systems with Metacube support

  • March 30, 2020
  • Owen Hughes

With more than 25 years’ experience in the Automotive industry, Blackpurl have become one of the leading systems providers to the industry – helping dealers, distributors and manufacturers alike improve their business efficiency and have greater insights into their customers. They have achieved this by creating software that provides access to data through new apps, intuitive user experiences, pay as you go prices and a host of innovative features that are replacing out-of-date dealer management systems. However, they recognised a number of issues with the majority of software in the market-place:

• Based on old technology

• Non-intuitive user interfaces

• Lack of internationalisation

• Longer time to deploy, upgrade and train

The company envisioned a new system based on the following must have characteristics:

• Be “On Demand”, no recruitment costs in spinning up environments for new customers.

• Zero “Customer Support” required to operate the system.

• Per Product & Per Service revenue accounting

• Create dealership as a Social Entity

• Ability and capacity to go viral

• Raise level by serving DMS as a Platform

Their challenge was how to develop this system without the resource and expertise in-house to achieve these goals in the timescale needed.

To find out how Metacube helped Blackpurl achieve their business and project goals read more here.